Painting in National Palace Museum, Qing dynasty (1644-1911) part2

Welcome to the National Palace Museum's collection of paintings from the Qing dynasty! This collection features some of the most beautiful and unique works of art from this period, including Giuseppe Castiglione's One Hundred Horses. Castiglione was born in Milan, Italy and learned to paint from Carlo Cornara at the studio of the renowned Botteghe degli Stampatori. His work is a testament to the influence of Chinese culture on European art during this time. Come explore these incredible pieces today and learn more about the art of the Qing dynasty!
1. One Hundred Horses

Giuseppe Castiglione was born on July 19, 1688, in the central San Marcellino district of Milan, Italy. As a youth, he learned to paint from Carlo Cornara at the studio of the renowned Botteghe degli Stampatori.