RareBooks in National Palace Museum, Song dynasty part2
Welcome to the National Palace Museum's collection of rare books from the Song dynasty! These texts were written by some of China's most influential scholars, and they provide us with a unique insight into Chinese culture during this period. You will find the Literary Collection of Liu Ping-k'o, which was compiled into 40 chapters in the "Hsin T'ang shu i-wen chih" (New Arts Section of the Tang History), as well as the Literary Collection of Nan-hsüan, written by the famous Neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi. These are both important pieces of Chinese history that tell us about how people interacted with each other during this time period. Come take a look at these fascinating artifacts today!
1. Literary Collection of Liu Ping-k'o
Liu Yuxi was a Tang dynasty poet whose literary collection was compiled into 40 chapters in the "Hsin T'ang shu i-wen chih" (New Arts Section of the Tang History). In the early Sung dynasty, ten chapters were lost, leaving only 30.
2. Literary Collection of Nan-hsüan
Zhang Chi was a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Song dynasty. He was praised by the famous Neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi for his character and erudition.