Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes) Artworks collected in Metmuseum
title: Plate 7 from 'Los Caprichos': Even thus he cannot make her out (Ni asi la distingue.)
department: Drawings and Prints
accessionYear: 1916
Plate 9 from "Los Caprichos": Tantalus (Tantalo)
title: Plate 9 from "Los Caprichos": Tantalus (Tantalo)
department: Drawings and Prints
accessionYear: 1916
Plate 78 from 'Los Caprichos': Be quick, they are waking up (Despacha, que dispiertan.)
title: Plate 78 from 'Los Caprichos': Be quick, they are waking up (Despacha, que dispiertan.)
department: Drawings and Prints
accessionYear: 1917