Painting in National Palace Museum, Song dynasty part1

Welcome to the National Palace Museum's collection of paintings from the Song dynasty! Here, you can explore some of the most beautiful and intricate works of art from this period. Our collection includes Strange Peaks and Myriad Trees, River Boats and Mountain Town, The Buddha Preaching the Law, Preparing Clothes, The Ladies' Book of Filial Piety (Scroll 1), Literary Gathering, Scroll of Buddhist Images, Plants and Insects in Autumn, Reading in an Open Hall and Strange Peaks and Myriad Trees. These pieces are all unique and provide us with a glimpse into the culture and art of the Song dynasty. Come take a look at these incredible artifacts today!
1. Strange Peaks and Myriad Trees

This painting shows mountains with peaks that rise above the clouds and a foreground that is enveloped in mist. The mountains are skillfully echoed in three groups, and the blank areas of clouds and mist make them stand out more. Even though the painting is small, it still looks like a large and expansive view.
2. River Boats and Mountain Town

This painting shows two mountains rising up to surround a town with a temple on the mountainside and shops here and there in the countryside. The temple buildings are on a level outcropping and built up the slope.
3. The Buddha Preaching the Law

This painting shows the Buddha seated on a lotus pedestal, with two heavenly kings as his protectors. On either side of him are his great disciples, Ananda and Mahakashyapa, and a bodhisattva making offerings.
4. Preparing Clothes

This work, done in 1240, is based on "Poetry on Preparing Clothes" by Xie Huilian (397-433) of the Southern Dynasties period.
5. The Ladies' Book of Filial Piety (Scroll 1)

The Ladies' Book of Filial Piety was written by Madame Zheng during the Tang dynasty. Originally, the book had eighteen sections, but only half of them remain today. The book is a handscroll, with alternating texts and images.
6. Literary Gathering

This painting shows a group of scholars at a banquet in a garden by a pond. The figures are all spirited and elegant with clear expressions. The painting is beautiful and exacting, and it has a scholarly air that fully represents the requirements of and results sought by Huizong for his Painting Academy.
7. Scroll of Buddhist Images

This is the only surviving painting from the Dali kingdom, which was in what is now Yunnan and roughly concurrent with the Song dynasty. The colophon at the end of the scroll indicates it was completed during the Lizhen reign between 1172 and 1175, Zhang Shengwen being the principal artist.
8. Plants and Insects in Autumn

This painting is of a praying mantis trying to catch a beetle. It is from the Southern Song period.
9. Reading in an Open Hall

This painting is from the Song dynasty and it shows a courtyard by the water among hills. The courtyard is decorated with rocks from the lake and it is surrounded by tall pines and delicate bamboo. Inside the pavilion, there is a daybed, a screen, and hanging scrolls.
10. Strange Peaks and Myriad Trees