From 1819 To 1826

The 19th century was a time of great change in the world of art. Artists began to experiment with new styles and media, and the art world was forever changed as a result. Some of the most famous artists of the time include Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, and Pablo Picasso.
The Falls of Niagara

The painting is of Niagara Falls from the Canadian side.
The painting is based on a vignette of the falls from a map of North America published by Henry S. Tanner in 1822.
Heroic Landscape with Rainbow

Joseph Anton Koch was a father-figure to many German-speaking artists who visited Rome in the early nineteenth century.
Koch's fame rests on this iconic image, which he referred to as a "Greek landscape."
It is the fourth and final version of a composition he first painted in 1805 (Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe).
The Banks of the Rance, Brittany

This study is the product of one of the earliest known plein-air painting excursions on the Channel coast.
With a painterly sensibility honed by the direct observation of nature, Valenciennes sketched the light, atmosphere, and swiftly moving water at the mouth of the river Rance.
This exercise was intended to train his eye and hand to capture such fleeting effects so that he could draw from the experience when painting in the studio.
Woodland Scene

The painting depicts a forest with sunlight filtering through the trees.
The painting is unusual for the artist, who is better known for his views of Dutch city streets and interiors.
The painting was likely originally sketched in black chalk out in nature and then completed in the studio.
Waterfall at Terni

Painters visited Rome and the surrounding countryside to record the natural beauty of the scenery and its antique monuments.
The Cascata delle Marmore combines both, having been engineered in the third century B. C. to divert the river Velino into the Nera, a tributary of the Tiber.
Corot visited the waterfall in summer 1826, attaining a mastery of plein-air technique that is characterized by the candor, naturalism, and seemingly intuitive structure of this sketch.
Alfred Dedreux (1810–1860) as a Child

The subject of this portrait is the nephew of Gericault's friend the painter Pierre-Joseph Dedreux-Dorcy.
This canvas is one of a small group of drawings and paintings (in various collections) that depict the eight-or nine-year-old Alfred and his younger sister, Elisabeth, with remarkable self-possession and grace for their age.
Alfred became a painter and, like Gericault, was enamored of horses.
Eugène Delacroix, who had studied with Gericault, later owned this painting
Ponte San Rocco and Waterfalls, Tivoli

This painting perfectly illustrates Granet's achievement as a master of small Roman views.
The arch of the Ponte San Rocco provides the frame for a carefully structured glimpse of the Aniene River as it hurtles through the hilltop village of Tivoli, a half day's ride east of Rome.
This is a finished painting intended for a private collector.
It was created in Granet's studio from an oil sketch (Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence) that was executed outdoors at the site